މަހަށް  ގޮސް  އުޅޭއިރު  އެންމެ  އުނދަގޫ  ކަމަކަށް
ދިމާވަނީ ކޮން  ކަމެއް؟  މަހަށް  ގޮސް  އުޅޭ  އިރު  އެންމެ އުނދަގޫ
ކަމަކަށް  އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް  ވަނީ  އެން  ދަތި  އިރުގައި  އެން
ނިހިފިގެން  އެ  އުޅޭ.  އެން  ހިފަން  އުޅެނީ  ކިހިނެއް؟

Cuando vas a pescar ¿qué es lo peor que nos pasa ? Cuando vamos a pescar lo peor es cuando los cebos son escasos y no tenemos cebos. ¿Cómo haces para coger cebos ?

The sample Thaana text on this page is from The World's Writing Systems by Daniels and Bright. The Spanish translation is borrowed from a web site which used the same sample text but failed to cite its source.

Thaana is a right-to-left script.

In order to make the spaces between the words a bit larger, I used two spaces between each word.

For more information about the Thaana script and the history and culture of the Maldives, please visit:

Maldivian Internet Task Force
Links to Thaana and Thaana/Unicode material, including free Thaana Unicode fonts, text editors, Unicode sample documents, and more.

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