މަހަށް ގޮސް އުޅޭއިރު
އެންމެ އުނދަގޫ ކަމަކަށް
ދިމާވަނީ ކޮން ކަމެއް؟
މަހަށް ގޮސް އުޅޭ އިރު
އެންމެ އުނދަގޫ
ވަނީ އެން ދަތި
އިރުގައި އެން
ނިހިފިގެން އެ އުޅޭ.
އެން ހިފަން އުޅެނީ
Cuando vas a pescar ¿qué es lo peor que nos pasa ? Cuando vamos a pescar lo peor es cuando los
cebos son escasos y no tenemos cebos. ¿Cómo haces para coger cebos ?
The sample Thaana text on this page is from The World's Writing Systems by Daniels and Bright.
The Spanish translation is borrowed from a web site which used the same sample text but failed to
cite its source.
Thaana is a right-to-left script.
In order to make the spaces between the words a bit larger, I used two spaces between each word.
For more information about the Thaana script and the history and culture of
the Maldives, please visit:
Maldivian Internet Task Force
Links to Thaana and Thaana/Unicode material, including free Thaana Unicode fonts,
text editors, Unicode sample documents, and more.
My home page