The following are Czech phrases with English translations, written in HTML
using Unicode decimal NCR format.
Zavři dveře mezi sedací světnicí a návštěvnou.
Shut the door between the sitting room and the parlour.
Přines mi plivník.
Bring me a spittoon.
Jak prodáváte vejce dnes ?
How do you sell eggs today ?
Šestnáct centů tucet.
Sixteen cents a dozen.
Dejte mi libru kávy Java, dvě libry Rio, šest liber kouskového cukru
a paklíček cikorie.
Give me a pound of Java coffee, two pounds of Rio, six pounds of crushed
sugar and a package of chicory.
These handy phrases are from JONAS' AMERICAN INTERPRETER, which
belonged to Jakub Cervenka, of Tama City. By the time he wrote his name
in his book, he had become “Americanized” to the point where
he had dropped the caron from the “C” in Červenka.
As you can tell from the price of eggs, this is an old book. Jakub
Červenka was my great-grandfather.
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